A group of people are sitting around a table looking at a map

Relaxed and friendly atmosphere


Join us for a weekly group conversation over coffee and learn to speak spanish whilst having a coffee in a friendly welcoming atmosphere.

Learn having fun

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of the Spanish language and culture with our engaging classes, thoughtfully held at a selection of charming local coffee shops nestled within the vibrant towns of San Pedro, Estepona, La Duquesa.

Indulge in the pleasure of savoring a delicious cup of coffee as you partake in lively conversations with fellow enthusiastic language learners, transforming the educational journey into a delightful and sociable experience that transcends traditional classroom settings.


Next dates

Spanish Coffee Chat

Every Tuesday at Nelig's coffee shop

Beginners: From 10 to 11 am.

Intermediate: From 11 to 12 am.

Las Palmeras De Benavista 4 A7, KM 167 Estepona

Spanish Coffee Chat

Every Wednesday at Sunday's coffee shop

Beginners: From 10 to 11 am.

Intermediate: From 11 to 12 am.

Av. Marqués del Duero, 82, 29670 San Pedro Alcántara, Málaga

Coming soon new location

A close up of a white mountain against a blue sky.
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